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Holistic healing using the art and science of Acupuncture, Herbal and Nutritional Therapy
Acupuncture improves fertility by regulating reproductive hormones, improving blood flow, increasing egg quality and quantity, & reducing stress. The points used prepare the body for pregnancy, few examples are :
Yin Tan - Useful point for stress and anxiety and insomnia.
Liver 3- Regulate the menstrual cycle , benefit the ovaries and uterus , helps build the blood, and also headaches , stress / anxiety.
Ren 4- It also called conception channel , is an important Chanel to assists fertility , benefits the uterus and is specially useful for older women trying to conceive.
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Call: 626.338.8700
Shiva Rouhani, LAc, OMD, Licensed and Board Certified > CAMERON OFFICE PARK, . Cameron Ave. Suite 110 West Covina, CA 91790
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